Relief, Excitement, Pressure

What an adventure this year has been, between the release of 'Beyond Event Horizon' in March and 'The Sage and The Watch' a few weeks ago, this process has certainly taught me a few things. To see a bounded version of my second work can be expressed in a few words: relief, excitement, and pressure. Relief and excitement are, of course, natural progressions an author should feel when a work sees life, but pressure, why pressure? It has nothing to do with sales or ratings, but rather to know that there is another challenge waiting in the folds, ready to be embraced. A goal is only so when it has not been reached, but now, a life chapter ends and another begins. While I do enjoy the strenuous steps to have come so far and appreciate with the sincerest gratitude toward all those who believed in me, there are more steps beyond the present. Pressure is not a negative thing, rather it is a welcoming thing to know that the process is continuing, and there are more stories to be told and more lessons to be learned. Cheers! Revel in the moment with relief and excitement, but also embrace the pressures of life, knowing that there will be more progress in those not-so-nice but worthwhile times of lessons learned and self discovered.